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Fires and Explosions

Houston Fires and Explosions Lawyer

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Highly destructive explosions can occur on offshore rigs, refineries, and plants with devastating consequences, including severe work injuries or loss of life to employees. Due to the risks that oil and gas and maritime workers face daily, state and federal laws protect your rights to compensation after an accident. A Houston fires and explosions lawyer will protect your rights and hold your detractors accountable for their negligent actions.

Legal mistakes can negatively impact your case. If a fire or explosion accident injured you or took the life of a family member, The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja will help you go after the justice you deserve. There is a civil statute of limitations that applies to your case, which means you should get legal advice from a Houston fires and explosions lawyer as soon as possible.

You Should Not Have to Pay for Work Injuries Caused by a Fire or Explosion

Not all fires and explosions are the result of a natural disaster. Numerous work injury cases are the result of human error. Just because human error exists, it does not mean that employers, operators, and other companies can act negligently when you or your family member were on the job, under several laws including the Jones Act.

A Houston fires and explosions lawyer at The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja will help you pursue a fair settlement for your losses after the following types of accidents:

Although there are numerous laws and regulations surrounding work safety protocols in the oil & gas and maritime industries, companies place profit over employees. When negligence plays a role in your accident, additional compensation may be available under the Jones Act, Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA), Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), and others. A Houston fires and explosions lawyer will navigate the complexities of these to negotiate a fair civil award while concentrate on getting better.

Liability Laws Allow You to Obtain More Compensation

Many workers assume that workers’ compensation is the only form of recourse when a work injury happens. However, your Houston fires and explosions lawyer will investigate the cause of your accident to determine if you can obtain more money under the various federal acts that provide for restitution when employer, operator, or contractor negligence is involved.

The types of compensation we have secured for clients include:

  • Daily living expenses (maintenance)
  • Daily medical expenses (cure)
  • Future medical expenses
  • Future lost earning capacity
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Wrongful death civil awards for family
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Other recoverable civil awards by law

The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, our legal team takes a strategic approach to every injury or wrongful death case. We carefully build your matter based on evidence that speaks to the facts to get you the money you need. Our Houston fires and explosions lawyers will negotiate a settlement or litigate a civil court award so that you have a chance at focusing on your health and recovery.

A Statute of Limitations Impacts Your Work Injury Case

Like every injury case, there are state and federal statutes of limitations, or civil deadlines, that apply to an injury case. However, these dates are different for each type of case. As such, it is vital that you speak with a Houston fires and explosions lawyers as soon as reasonably possible since missing this deadline will negatively impact your case.

In many instances, you have between one (1) and three (3) years from the date of your accident or loved one’s death. These dates may also be subject to shorter noticing requirements for specific types of cases. Avoid missing any case deadlines since it can result in a denial of your benefits or a dismissal.

Start with a Free Consultation by Calling (713) 561-5454

The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja understands how challenging your situation is after an accident injury or loved one’s death. We put our compassion to work for you by aggressively fighting for an award you deserve. 

How a Houston Fires and Explosions Lawyer Will Help You

After a fire or explosion involving bodily harm and fatalities, an extensive investigation by agencies and departments will ensue. It is also likely that your employer or the site operator will conduct an independent investigation of its own. Hiring a Houston fire and explosions lawyer will ensure that someone is investigating the facts and circumstances on your behalf.

The The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja will analyze agency and company findings while also representing your case to insurance companies with our assertions backed by evidence. We have extensive experience in handling complex work injury cases and a deep network of experts that can provide testimony. You are never left alone when you hire our Houston fires and explosions lawyers to stand by your side.

Real Injuries. Real Results.

We Have the Experience You Can Rely On
  • $15 Million Dram Shop Liability
  • $4.9 Million Pedestrian Accident

    Our team represented an individual who was injured in a pedestrian accident.

  • $3 Million Truck Accident

    Our team represented an individual who was rear-ended by a commercial truck.

  • $1.2 Million Sexual Assault

    Our team represented an individual who was sexually assaulted at an apartment complex due to negligent security.

  • $1 Million Rear-End Collision

    Our team represented an individual who was injured after being rear-ended.

  • $675,000 Dangerous Property

    Our team represented our client against a commercial property owner who failed to warn our client (their tenant) of an unreasonably dangerous condition.