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Life Insurance Claims

Houston Life Insurance Claim Lawyers

Need Help Getting Life Insurance Benefits? Give Us a Call

People and families purchase life insurance policies in the event of an untimely death. They are intended to reassure you if the unthinkable happens, but many good, hardworking Texans find out that the insurance company is not on their side when it comes time to file a claim. At The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, the Houston life insurance claims lawyers on our legal team will fight for your rights to get you the benefits to which you are entitled under state and federal laws.

Do not make any legal mistakes when navigating the claims process. Instead, get a free case evaluation from our legal team to learn more about your options at (713) 561-5454 or send us an online message directly. You will not owe us any money unless you hire us and win your case.

Hire Houston Life Insurance Lawyers for Legal Help

A licensed and experienced Houston life insurance lawyer is essential to getting a fair life insurance settlement. While you are allowed to handle the claim on your own, it is challenging to get an adequate award without the resources of The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja at your disposal. We are knowledgeable about life insurance claim denials, and we want to put that experience behind your case, too.

  • investigating your claim denial
  • Preserving evidence as we discover it
  • Responding to life insurance company communications
  • Negotiating with your insurer and their lawyers
  • Explaining your legal options and new case developments
  • Avoiding any and all legal mistakes
  • Fight your case in civil court if necessary

A Free Case Evaluation Will Get You Answers

You should not have to accept an unfair insurance settlement. 

We care about our clients. Our legal also emphasizes results. If we recommend our legal services to you, our team will take your case on at no upfront cost. The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja does not get paid for our services until you win your case.

Life Insurance Companies Are Not on Your Side

Your life insurance company owes you money for life insurance when you have a valid claim. However, your insurer may try to paint a picture that does not accurately or fairly reflect your situation. Your Houston life insurance claims lawyers at The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja are ready to let them know precisely what you are owed as well as admissible evidence to back up your claim.

Common life insurance claim denials we handle include:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • Undisclosed medical conditions
  • Manner of death not covered by the policy
  • Not filing your case on time
  • Suspicious policy activity
  • Inaccurate or incomplete claim forms
  • Questions about your competency
  • Disputed beneficiaries
  • Failing to pay claims promptly
  • Failing to respond to claims promptly
  • Other types of life insurance claim denials

The above-referenced examples are common ways that insurance companies act in bad faith and unfair dealing. It is an illegal action under Texas and federal laws. When they refuse to pay you what your case is worth, Houston life insurance lawyers will challenge their decision where their case is weak or lacks standing.

Inadequate Settlement Offers

Once you sign the release of all claims contract, you no longer have the right to pursue a life insurance claim further. Before you do, speak withThe Law Offices of Omar Khawaja to evaluate the offer you are receiving. We may uncover additional opportunities and forms of compensation available.

Bad Faith Life Insurance Claims Are Challenging to Navigate

One central theme in life insurance claims occurs when the insurer alleges that you made false or misleading statements on your claim application. The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja has Houston life insurance claims lawyers with the experience and tenacity that your case deserves. Our legal team will look at their actions while handling your claim to determine if bad faith and unfair dealing occurred.

A bad faith action allows you to claim additional damages, including attorneys’ fees, court costs, and more. However, these cases are challenging to prove without irrefutable evidence. Your Houston life insurance lawyer will ensure that your case is investigated to the fullest extent and that the information is packaged and presented to the insurance company quickly.

Insurance Companies May Use Unsavory Tactics

Insurance companies are in the business to turn a profit. That means if they can legally prove that they do not owe you any money, your insurance company will take the opportunity to do so. Since they are in an unfair position of power, Texas state and federal laws govern how they should process your case.

If they violate these laws, then you have the right to additional compensation. However, they may use unsavory tactics to trick you into making self-incriminating statements. Insurance adjusters are trained to ask the right questions that evaluate your settlement and investigate your role in the claims process.

Do not let them dupe you into making any mistakes. Assume that every question they are asking will be scrutinized by their legal team. Your Houston life insurance lawyers at The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja will handle the communications on your behalf to avoid this situation altogether.

Real Injuries. Real Results.

We Have the Experience You Can Rely On
  • $15 Million Dram Shop Liability
  • $4.9 Million Pedestrian Accident

    Our team represented an individual who was injured in a pedestrian accident.

  • $3 Million Truck Accident

    Our team represented an individual who was rear-ended by a commercial truck.

  • $1.2 Million Sexual Assault

    Our team represented an individual who was sexually assaulted at an apartment complex due to negligent security.

  • $1 Million Rear-End Collision

    Our team represented an individual who was injured after being rear-ended.

  • $675,000 Dangerous Property

    Our team represented our client against a commercial property owner who failed to warn our client (their tenant) of an unreasonably dangerous condition.