If you are too injured to travel, we can video chat or come to you. We do not charge you for our time and resources unless you win, Inshallah.
Muslim Personal Injury Lawyer in Houston
Asalamu Alaykum, brothers and sisters of Islam.
If someone else causes your injuries, you have legal rights in Texas. A Muslim personal injury lawyer in Houston at The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja will protect them and fight for fair, equitable compensation that pays medical bills, lost wages, mental anguish, and more. You do not have to let negligent parties get away with careless or reckless actions.
“Allah commands justice and doing good toward kith and kin, and He forbids shameful acts, evil deeds, and oppressive attitudes. He encourages you so that you may be mindful.”
Quran (16:90)
On the legal side of things, you should also know that deadlines affect your case’s outcome. Insurance companies also have lawyers, time, and resources that most injury victims do not have at their disposal. Put a tough Muslim personal injury attorney on your side that works toward winning your case, Inshallah.
Get Legal Help from Attorney Omar Now
Attorney Omar and his legal team welcome you to contact us for a no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation at (713) 561-5454 or message us here. If you decide to hire us, you will not pay our law firm any money until we win your case, Inshallah. Otherwise, you owe us nothing.
Real Injuries. Real Results.
We Have the Experience You Can Rely On
$15 Million Dram Shop Liability
$4.9 Million Pedestrian Accident
Our team represented an individual who was injured in a pedestrian accident.
$3 Million Truck Accident
Our team represented an individual who was rear-ended by a commercial truck.
$1.2 Million Sexual Assault
Our team represented an individual who was sexually assaulted at an apartment complex due to negligent security.
$1 Million Rear-End Collision
Our team represented an individual who was injured after being rear-ended.
$675,000 Dangerous Property
Our team represented our client against a commercial property owner who failed to warn our client (their tenant) of an unreasonably dangerous condition.