Compensation Is Available After a Dog Bite or Attack in Texas

Dog bite injuries or the loss of a loved one are too costly for most families to bear alone. It would be best if you did not have to pay for the harm someone’s negligent actions caused you. A Houston dog bite injury lawyer at The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja is here to help. Instead of walking away with less than you deserve, allow our legal team to take care of your rights and interests when filing a claim.

All injury cases are different; however, we will fight for an award that covers your:

  • Current and future medical costs
  • Lost work wages and benefits, for missing time
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Wrongful death awards for surviving family members
  • Punitive damages
  • And more

Depending upon the particulars and circumstances of your case, the insurance company may try to use Texas’ comparative negligence laws to pay you less than its total value. If the insurer can prove that you were at least partially responsible for the dog bite or attack, then it can reduce your award by a percentage of fault. Do not let them get away with sneaky tricks and unsavory tactics to get away with paying you less than you need.

If you hire our Texas firm, we will not charge you any money up front to help out.

Get more information about your insurance claim or civil court lawsuit by calling (713) 561-5454 or messaging us here